The Slovak T72M2 Moderna (not to be confused with the Bulgarian one!) The Frog AMX30 The Russian BMP3 if you consider it a light tank and not a simple IFV The Ger Swiss Panzer 58 Belarus — 446 T72B in service Bulgaria — 80 T72M2 and a large number (some 350) in reserve What kind of protection does a T 72 have?The Bulgarian tank lineup starts with the T34 Then it goes on to the T55A, T62, and T62M The last one, a 60point medium tank, is the secondbest tank Bulgaria has Luckily, their best tank is really good It's the T72M2

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T-72m2 bulgaria
T-72m2 bulgaria-印刷可能 t72m4cz war thunder For a game designed around tankontank warfare, top tier gameplay in War Thunder lacks a significant focus on armor protection, with all main battle tanks bT72M4CZ (upgraded T72M1 – active and upgraded armor, FCS,Is The T 72m2 Bulgarian Or Czechoslovakia Medium Vehicles War Thunder Official Forum T 72 M2 Moderna The history of the T72M2 WILK will be presented by a guest author, Michał Kizeweter, a Polish armor enthusiast and expert and an advisor to the Armored Warfare development team Up until the early 1980s,

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The T72 has an NBC protection system Interior is lined with antiradiation liner, which also acts as a spall linerSoviet cold war BRDM2 Armored Personal Carrier (1961)最高のコレクション t72m3 3686T72m3 T72M3 CZ postavljena je termovizija za topnika i napravljene su manje izmjene ovu inačicu nije bila prihvatila Češka vojska u korist T72M4CZ T72M4 CZ dodan je novi eksplozivnoreaktivni oklop, novi SUP
T72b3m war thunder Tanks T72M in batches of 10 units entered service with the th OV ZVO ( in the 144th MRD), 49th OA Southern Military District (10th in the 5th Motorized Rifle Brigade), as well as to the Kazan Tank Command school (9 units) and in the Omsk Automotive Armored Engineering Institute (3 units) The upcoming War Thunder update will see three new modifications of theSince Nemo Hornet 1P offers a great space for a 1P tent, the floor area difference is not so big between 1P and 2P Nemo Hornet 2P (275 ft²) offers a 52 ft² bigger floor area compared to Nemo Hornet 1P (223 ft²) Nemo Hornet 1P not only offers a much bigger floor area compared to other 1P backpacking tents in the market but also it's much lighter than most of them The HornetT72M2 je slovenská modernizovaná verzia tanku T72 Projekt spočíval vo vylepšení predošlej modernizovanej československej verzie tanku T72M1 Vývoj vyústil k vytvoreniu jedného prototypu prezentovanom na viacerých vojenských výstavách
Answer (1 of 3) The Serbian MUP1 (two 30 mm autocannons), my favorite tank!This Pin was discovered by PETER GRAY Discover (and save!) your own Pins on1st Bulgarian Front Infantry Corps 12th Bulgarian Armored Brigade (56x T72M2 50x D 152mm Howitzer 4,000 Motorized Infantry) 8th Bulgarian Front Support Regiment (100x 1mm 2S12 Mortars on MTLB 32x ZU232 23mm AA 18 SA8

Is The T 72m2 Bulgarian Or Czechoslovakia Medium Vehicles War Thunder Official Forum

T APC (Modified Version of the Soviet BTR70) Romanian ArmyT72M2 Soviet Union Main to details of Bulgaria's military equipment including reserve as of 13 Note, some of the reserve items are not listed on this page such as the 430 T55's in reserve status;T72B Pictures gallery of main battle tank T72B T72 B Russian Army Russia Galerie de Photos images du véhicule blindé lourd char de combat principal T72 B T72B armée Russie Russe

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Bulgarian Tracks Tracked Vehicles Hmvf Historic Military Vehicles Forum
T72m2 bulgaria T72M2 Po IDETu následovalo "ticho po pěšině" snad jen přerušené drobnou výstavní epizodou na slovenském IDEE Během zmíněného ticha slovenští konstruktéři pracovali na druhé verzi prototypu T72M2 Po vojskových zkouškách, upustili od lafetace dvou švýcarských kanónůBulgaria`s Ministry of Defense is planning to repair some T72A main battle tanks and最も好ましい t72m3 T72m3 Seven T14s took part in the parade and the type is slated to replace the Russian Ground Forces' T72M3 and T90 main battle tanks (MBTs) currently in service Notably, the unveiled turret dispels suggestions the MBT would be armed with a coaxial 30 mm cannon, T72 Mahmia, probably from the same batch as the above It shows signs of battle damage, or, more likely, careless driving, as it is missing some chains, and the cages and fenders are bent out of shape T72 Mahmia, which appears to be a little battle worn

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Beim M84 Snajper wurde das SUVM84 Feuerleitsystem gegen das verbesserte SUP OMEGA84 Feuerleitsystem ausgetauscht最も欲しかった t72m2 3027T72m2 moderna The T72M2 Moderna is a main battle tank prototype for Czechoslovakia that was introduced in The Millionth Mile DLC for Wargame Red Dragon The T72M2 Moderna is a Slovakian modernization of the Czechoslovak T72M1 main battle tank It adds DYNAS reactive armor, Bulgaria currently operates about a hundred T72M2 MBTs (an upgraded version of the T72M1) as well as a number of older Soviet era AFVs, so applying it to your BMPs and T72s will make them appear historically accurate Click the image to open a larger version Additionally, we're adding the crest of the Bulgarian Armed Forces as a decal

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Dynamické ukážky vozidiel T72M2 Moderna a BVP2This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from Wikipedia (view authors) Raid Raptors _RRF As you can see the T72M2 is bulgarian and the T72M4 is czech right?

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